Music in this generation has become a vice not only to the young people but also to those people who loves to unwind, give them a reward by listening to music and relax the whole day long and especially to those who claims themselves as a "music lover". Good thing people are truly a genius creature and created a very commendable invention- the iPod.
This is not a typical music gadget that could be carried anywhere. This includes many features that would suit your preference as a music lover and could store videos, media, mp3s, mp4s and other cool stuffs. There is iPod shuffle if you want random and simple type of digital audio player, iPod nano which could store more Medias and has 3 pre-installed games and other features, iPod touch which also have many attributes and also a Wi-Fi mobile. And now the iPhone which is heart melting to those who want to have a multiple functioning phone and a lot more gadgets of iPod. With iPod nano and iTunes, you could choose any song you want. And good news, it is user-friendly and is the price is just fine worthy by its quality.
Even grade school children would want to have one of these kinds of stuff most especially nowadays where Christmas season is in the air. It would be one of the good gift ideas is to give an iPOd to your children, nieces and nephews and even lover. A breathtaking experience will surface if one could receive such gift or gifts during the Christmas season. It would benefit you and would definitely make you feel better during stressful times. Price comparison site like http://www.savebuckets.com compares prices of ipods to find the best prices online will make easy for us in buying the right choice.
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A pony so tiny her owner can pick her up in her arms is laying claim to the title of Britain’s smallest horse .
Lucy the four-year-old Shetland pony is just 19.5 inches tall and weighs around 100 pounds.
Her owner, Sandra Ponder, 63, who runs a veterinary surgery near St Albans, Herts, owns 14 miniature ponies in total.
Lucy is still dwarfed by the group. Her ‘largest’ pet pony measures around 34 inches.
But the tiny pony loves galloping around the paddock with the larger horses in the stable.
Lucy lives in a specially made stable that is so small it looks more like a children’s wendy house.
The door measures 21 inches but little Lucy can’t quite peer over the top so she is just content to rest her head on the edge.
It is not known why the pony is so diminutive - Ms Ponder herself was shocked when the pony did not grow taller than her 19.5 inches.
She said: “I wasn’t expecting Lucy to be so small. She was about 15 inches when I got her at three months - that’s a normal size for a Shetland foal.
“Like all Shetlands, Lucy stopped growing at two years old and I was shocked to find she was so small.
“She’s not your average Shetland pony - I’ve never seen anything like her before.”
Ms Power says Lucy is perfectly proportioned - apart from her mane and tail, which grow so fast Sandra says the little horse bears a striking resemblance to Tina Turner if they are not trimmed back.
According to the Guinness Book of Records, the smallest horse in the world is Thumbelina - a 17 inch horse born on a farm in St Louis, America.
Unlike Lucy, Thumbelina’s size has been put down to dwarfism - her legs are not in proportion with her body and so the tiny horse has to wear orthopaedic fittings to straighten them.
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